Manifesto for the European Family Pride

Collective Dad, Mom and Me

Rue de la Cible 48 - 1030 Brussels
Tél : 02.503.55.21 - Fax : 02.734.80.55 - GSM : 0485.89.87.08
cpte 001-2322584-92 (member : 25 euros)
BIC GEBABEBB / IBAN BE12 0012 3225 8492

If you agree with the following text, spread this message around you right away and add your signature to this manifest. It is absolutely necessary that those groups and associations who are anxious to defend the family, join forces in order to uphold such a project. Let us be stand resolute as one to make our voice heard

Manifesto for the European Family Pride

Because the family is the foundation upon which a well balanced society is built.
Because in weakening the family endangers society itself and is opposed to the common good. Because we want a society which encourages motherhood, which welcomes the child, protects the disabled and which provides for the well-being of the elderly.
Because we are opposed to abortion and euthanasia.
Because we are utterly opposed to babies being created for spare parts and the human cloning. Because we want the scientist to recall what is moral and ethical.
Because we believe in the institution of marriage.
Because we refuse to see it given over to parodies.
Because there are those who are playing God and who seek to invert the norm.
Because commun sense has to prevail.
Because these same evils which afflict all of Europe.
Because if we want to have good laws we must stand together.
Because many decisions are made by the institutions of the European union

we call upon you to be numerous and to join us in the demonstration for the European family of Pride which will take place in Brussels, Saturday, May 5 th we will meet at 14.00 at the Schuman roundabout in front of the Institutions of the European union in Brussels we will march as far as court of law in Brussels where the contributing speeches will be held from 16.00

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